"""A comprehensive and concise guide, Yara Green's Top 20 Diets for Weight Loss Plus a 7 Day Meal Plan presents readers with a score of different dietary approaches for good health, explaining the principles and rationales of each, how they work, and their pros and cons in an unbiased fashion. Obesity has become a genuine health hazard amongst the general populace in the 21st century. People seeking to lose weight often find themselves following diets that are not sustainable and end up binging more than ever, because so many of these fad diets focus on short-term results and ignore their aftereffects. With Top 20 Diets for Weight Loss, Yara Green provides outlines of the best diets for weight loss and better health that can work for readers over a long period Get ready for a life free of worrying about your weight and attain the best possible version of your health with the Top 20 Diets for Weight Loss. Yara Green offers readers a way to a healthier life through 20 different diets, each meticulously described with its benefits and pros and cons. The most impressive aspect of this book is that every ingredient mentioned is also delicious apart from the nutritional value and health benefits. The seven-day meal plan can be adopted by literally anyone who wants to turn their life around and pursue healthy living. I found this book most helpful. Highly recommended."