Peter Joseph Gloviczki is a professor and chairperson of the Department of Broadcasting and Journalism at Western Illinois University. He is the author of Journalism and Memorialization in the Age of Social Media.
Gloviczki contributes in important ways to the ongoing debate about the future of journalism, a debate animated by the unprecedented potential for new media technology to revitalize our thinking about--and our commitment to--a more humane world. --Theodore L. Glasser, professor emeritus of communication at Stanford University Gloviczki's book--scaffolded by an intricate grid of theories--offers a personally rooted, poignant, powerful, and accessible exposition of mediated narration's cultural dimensions, its essential role in helping audiences navigate the complex terrains of school violence, ableism, body politics, drug addiction, and more. --Radhika Parameswaran, Herman B. Wells Endowed Professor, The Media School at Indiana University-Bloomington Mediated Narration in the Digital Age provides a prescription for a form of storytelling better equipped to ethically represent the various communities that are both journalism's subjects and its audiences. Both sobering and hopeful, Mediated Narration in the Digital Age is an important book designed to bring twenty-first-century journalism 'more closely into alignment with the human experience.' --Michael X. Delli Carpini, Oscar H. Gandy Professor of Communication and Democracy at the University of Pennsylvania A compelling, provocative, and highly instructive manifesto for new and better ways to practice the art of communication, whether the art of journalism or the art of communication in everyday life. --Gerry Philipsen, professor emeritus of communication at the University of Washington In our troubled times we depend on journalism more than ever. But like many other societal institutions, journalism, too, is challenged to give voice to the variety of our experiences, to go beyond the flatness of portrayals, and, cognizant of its power and its constraints, to encourage society to cherish that narrating differences can unite. Mediated Narration in the Digital Age is a thoughtful and insightful reminder of that. --Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger, professor of Internet governance and regulation at the University of Oxford Stunning writing, bold, close to the bone: Gloviczki shows us how to show, not tell. --Norman K. Denzin, professor emeritus of communications, Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois