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Eat Pono

Source Locally. Eat Nutritiously. Live Sustainably.

Candes Gentry Poet Gentry Tara Young

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20 May 2022
At the age of five, Poet realized that eating healthy was a choice and decided to exercise that choice whenever possible. At first, I was a bit concerned and even shared my concerns with his kindergarten teacher. Poet had gone six months without eating a single cupcake or piece of cake at a birthday party. Our teacher told us not to worry

that it was completely normal for kids of his age to test their boundaries, in Poet's case his boundaries of self-control. Poet declared that he would avoid refined sugars and limit his intake of processed foods. So out went our occasional family trip to McDonalds for that delicious hot fudge sundae, our visits to See's candies for those sweet surprise tasters, and any sort of treat that had food coloring or processed sugars. When I realized that this was not a passing phase, we started reading all sorts of books about nutrition and the benefits of certain foods. Poet and I also started watching YouTube videos of easy, healthy recipes to jump start our new passion for using more wholesome ingredients. Poet began experimenting with avocado, cocoa powder and less processed sweeteners like honey, agave, maple syrup and dates. He also decided to choose bananas and berries over sugary sweets for dessert and snack time. Ultimately, what started off as a protest against cakes and baked goods turned into a lifestyle choice. As his passion for cooking blossomed, we decided to write a book to share how it can be hip to be healthy and dispel the assumption that all healthy food is tasteless or yucky. Poet still won't touch certain things like salad dressing, tomatoes or mushrooms, but for the most part he is a conscientious eater who chooses to try healthy options like veggie burgers, spinach and Brussels sprouts. We are proud of our healthy eater and want to share his love of the outdoors, fishing, gardening, cooking and wholesome eating with our family and friends. What we have learned through this process is that leading by example is very powerful and you never know who you might inspire. Although it is hard to be the kid who says ""no, thank you"" to the spam musubi, Gatorade, candy lei and boba drinks, it is also fun to create new recipes and share what we make with friends and family. Writing this book reminds me that, no matter how young or old, novice or expert, we can all learn from one another.
By:   ,
By (photographer):  
Imprint:   BookBaby
Country of Publication:   United States
Dimensions:   Height: 279mm,  Width: 215mm,  Spine: 10mm
Weight:   553g
ISBN:   9781667807430
ISBN 10:   1667807439
Pages:   148
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Candes Gentry - mother, endurance athlete, entrepreneur, vocalist, event planner and author. Inspired by her son Poet's passion for sustainability, Eat Pono reflects Candes' love of family and healthy living in the context of a relaxed island lifestyle. Born and raised in Hawaii, she is an exceedingly relevant voice in this genre because she has devoted most of her adult life to fitness, healthy living, and developing a diet that supports maximum performance. In her own quest for personal health, Candes has achieved living her best life, and now wants to share the recipes that have provided healthy sustenance to her and her family. May you all ""Eat Pono"" and live your best lives in good health, love and joy. Joey Caldarone Poet is an observant child who is wise beyond his years. He inspires those he comes in contact with to listen, ask questions and challenge the status quo. Poet has an insatiable appetite for knowledge and healthy food and loves to fish and garden. Poet is happiest while playing in the ocean whether it be fishing, swimming, surfing, spear diving, or discovering the tide pools along the shore. Poet's passion for conservation and sustainability inspire those around him to protect and preserve the environment.

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