Louis A. Gamino, PhD, ABPP, FT, is a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Baylor College of Medicine and the director of the division of psychology for Baylor Scott & White Health in Temple, Texas.
“This book is a must read for any practitioner. It is all here...everything you need to counsel and help a family who has lost a child of any age.” Daniel Roberts, DD, DMin, FT, coauthor (with Melinda Moore) of After the Suicide Funeral: Wisdom on the Path to Posttraumatic Growth “Gamino poignantly captures the varieties of parental bereavement and the range of compassionate responses to them. His book will really speak to clinicians, and I have no doubt it will benefit all the people they serve.” Dale G. Larson, PhD, author of The Helper’s Journey: Empathy, Compassion, and the Challenge of Caring, 2nd ed “In this book, Gamino brings the full force of who he is as a clinician, scholar, educator, and most importantly—human being.” Heather L. Servaty-Seib, PhD, HSPP, co-editor of Handbook of Thanatology, 3rd ed, and We Get It: Voices of Grieving College Students and Young Adults “Unerringly informed by his own parental grief, Gamino delivers workable approaches as he integrates theory and practice in readily accessible prose.” Helen Stanton Chapple, PhD, MA, MSN, co-editor of Handbook of Thanatology, 3rd ed