Buddhima Indraratna is a Distinguished Professor and Director at the Transport Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney (UTS). His pioneering work includes advancements in technical standards and practice guides, large-scale experimental modelling, computational design methods, and innovative design solutions for industry in the field of geotechnical and transportation engineering. For his significant contributions to Civil Engineering through infrastructure development, ground improvement and transportation geotechnics, Prof Indraratna was bestowed the prestigious state honour of Member of Order of Australia on the Australia Day (26 January 2024) by the Governor General. His salient research outcomes have attracted many other national and international awards, also recognising his pioneering efforts in the use of waste materials for transport infrastructure. Yujie Qi is currently a senior lecturer and a program leader at the Transport Research Centre (TRC), University of Technology Sydney (UTS). After receiving her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Civil and Geotechnical Engineering at Zhengzhou University, China, she completed her PhD at the University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia, in 2018 in Geotechnical Engineering. For this research on waste materials utilisation, her PhD thesis was awarded a special Commendation in conjunction with an Industry Engagement Award by UOW. Her current research involves various aspects of soil dynamics, granular mechanics, geo-mathematical modelling, large-scale process simulation dynamic testing, and more significantly, the use of waste and marginal materials in the design and construction of transport infrastructure with specific applications to railways. Cholachat Rujikiatkamjorn obtained his PhD from the University of Wollongong, Australia, specialising on effective ground improvement solutions for low-lying floodplains and coastal terrains for designing robust transport infrastructure. Currently, he is a Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and a Program Leader of the UTS Transport Research Centre. He has been involved in real-life projects based on waste materials including reclamation works, highway maintenance and repairs, construction of access roads and railways using granular waste materials derived from local coal mining sites and steel manufacturing plants. He has published nearly 300 articles in international journals and conferences.