James Rutherford holds a PhD in Theology from Moore Theological College (thesis: ""Rightly Defining the Son of God: An Examination of the Definition of Chalcedon""). Prior to this, he graduated from Pacific Life Bible College with a Bachelor of Pastoral Leadership and from Regent College with a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, majoring in biblical languages (Hebrew focus), and a Master of Theology (thesis: ""God's Kingdom through His Priest-King: An Analysis of the Book of Samuel in Light of the Davidic Covenant""). Currently, James is working on community outreach in Punchbowl and Greenacre NSW and manages Teleioteti.ca. He is happily married to Nicole and the father of Aliyah, Asher (who has gone to be with his Lord), and Adriel. When not writing, James serves at Riverwood-Punchbowl Anglican Church, enjoys cooking, and enjoys exploring the East Coast of Australia with his family.