Eric A. Hanushek is Paul and Jean Hanna Senior Fellow and at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. Hanushek and Woessmann are coauthors (with Paul E. Peterson) of Endangering Prosperity- A Global View of the American School. Ludger Woessmann is Professor of Economics at the University of Munich and Director of the ifo Center for the Economics of Education.
Hanushek and Woessmann exploit recently connected data from TIMMS and PISA and other international assessments to construct the most sophisticated and comprehensive measures yet seen of learning across countries and over time.--Education Next-- In addition to compiling a data set of internationally comparable measures of cognitive skills, the authors have convincingly shown that such measures correlate highly with economic growth and cognitive skills can explain away large differences in growth rates between world regions... [A] valuable contribution and an interesting read. --Mikael Lindahl, Journal of Economic Literature--