Verónica Ruiz Abou-Nigm is Lecturer in Law at the School of Law of the University of Sheffield. Her teaching and research interests lie in international commercial dispute resolution (including litigation, arbitration and mediation) particularly in connection with shipping disputes as well as maritime law, commercial conflict of laws and comparative law. In 2003 she graduated with an LL.M. in Commercial Law (Distinction) at the School of Law of the University of Edinburgh and in 2008 she was granted a Ph.D. at the same institution. She was formerly an Associate Professor of Private International Law at the Catholic University in Uruguay and a shipping practitioner in Uruguay between 1997 and 2002.
In short, the reviewer thinks that this book deserves its place on the shelf of every academic library of every academic institution where a course on admiralty jurisdiction and practice or on maritime conflict of laws in particualr is offered. Dr Poomintr Sooksripaisarnkit, Journal of International Maritime Law ... the description of the arrest systems in English and Scots law makes the book interesting reading, even more so for civil law lawyers. Herman Boonk, NILR