Lydia Kang, MD, is a practicing internal medicine physician and author of young adult fiction and adult fiction. Her YA novels include Control, Catalyst, and the upcoming The November Girl. Her adult fiction debut is entitled A Beautiful Poison. Her nonfiction has been published in JAMA, the Annals of Internal Medicine, and the Journal of General Internal Medicine. This author is represented by the Hachette Speakers Bureau. Nate Pedersen is a librarian, historian, and freelance journalist with over 400 publications in print and online, including in the Guardian, the Believer, the San Francisco Chronicle, and the Art of Manliness.
""A fizzy survey of outlandish theories from throughout history.... Kang and Pedersen bring dry humor to the proceedings, as when they close out their discussion of ""rumpologists"" who purport to divine a person's future from the shape of their rear end with the quip: ""No word yet on how a surgical Brazilian butt lift might alter your fate."" Though the authors debunk bigfoot, crop circles, and ghosts, the most intriguing chapters discuss more baroque theories, such as 20th-century Austrian engineer Hanns Hörbiger's contention, derived exclusively from dreams, that much of the universe was created after a ""waterlogged star"" crashed into the sun and sprayed ice blocks deep into space, where they gave rise to countless solar systems. A wry takedown of bogus beliefs, this entertains."" --Publishers Weekly