Kevin Robards majored in analytical chemistry and biochemistry. He worked in industry with edible oils and completed an Honours thesis on synthetic antioxidants. After some years investigating complexation chemistry and chromatography and a brief period examining the agricultural applications of rare earths, he returned to his passion, antioxidants, only now looking at naturally occurring members such as biophenols. The last years of his employment were divided between biophenolic research and studying academic and corporate governance. After five decades of research and teaching at all levels (undergraduate through post-doctoral) in analytical chemistry with a specific emphasis on chromatography, Professor Robards has now retired and was granted Emeritus status in recognition of his contribution to the academy. Danielle Ryan majored in analytical chemistry. After her PhD at Charles Sturt University (CSU) she completed post-doctoral research in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography at RMIT University before taking up an academic position at CSU. Danielle’s research is focused on the application of analytical chemistry and separation science to complex samples to understand natural product quality and identify biomarkers associated with human diseases.