His most ambitious work yet...When it comes to imaginary worlds, Guy Gavriel Kay is the Lord of Emperors. -- Maclean's Compulsively readable...Kay is a storyteller on the grandest scale. -- Time magazine (Canada) Praise for Lord of Emperors Complex and richly textured...Kay's characterization is matchless. The two books that comprise the Mosaic contain, in my mind, some of the finest writing to arise in the last decade in any genre. --Vancouver Sun Guy Gavriel Kay has transformed his own array of literary elements into something quite remarkable...Closer to Tolstoy than Tolkien, in the Sarantine Mosaic, Kay plumbs his reworkings of history and finds the deeper truths at its heart. --Locus A masterful performance...His most ambitious work yet...Powerfully written and compulsively readable. --Maclean's Gripping...A grandly realized and wonderful story. --Denver Post The epitome of what a fantasy novel can be. --SF Site Lord of Emperors is wonderful. I never expect less from Guy Gavriel Kay. --Robert JordanMore Praise for the Novels of Guy Gavriel Kay [Read] anything by Guy Gavriel Kay...His strengths are strong characters and fantastic set pieces. --The New Yorker History and fantasy rarely come together as gracefully or readably as they do in the novels of Guy Gavriel Kay. --The Washington Post Book World Kay shows why he's the heir to Tolkien's tradition. --Booklist Kay is a genius. I've read him all my life and am always inspired by his work. --#1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson A storyteller on the grandest scale. --Time Magazine, Canada Praise for Lord of Emperors Some of the finest writing to arise in the last decade. --Vancouver Sun -- Complex and compelling...every aspect of Lord of Emperoirs reveals a master at work. Simply not to be missed. --Edmonton Journal His most ambitious work yet...When it comes to imaginary worlds, Guy Gavriel Kay is the Lord of Emperors. --Maclean'sPraise for the novels of Guy Gavriel Kay [Read] anything by Guy Gavriel Kay... His strengths are strong characters and fantastic set pieces. --The New Yorker History and fantasy rarely come together as gracefully or readably as they do in the novels of Guy Gavriel Kay. --The Washington Post Book World Kay is a genius. I've read him all my life and am always inspired by his work. --#1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson A storyteller on the grandest scale. --Time Magazine, Canada Praise for Lord of Emperors -Some of the finest writing to arise in the last decade.---Vancouver Sun ---Complex and compelling...every aspect of Lord of Emperoirs reveals a master at work. Simply not to be missed.---Edmonton Journal -His most ambitious work yet...When it comes to imaginary worlds, Guy Gavriel Kay is the Lord of Emperors.---Maclean'sPraise for the novels of Guy Gavriel Kay -[Read] anything by Guy Gavriel Kay... His strengths are strong characters and fantastic set pieces.---The New Yorker -History and fantasy rarely come together as gracefully or readably as they do in the novels of Guy Gavriel Kay.---The Washington Post Book World -Kay is a genius. I've read him all my life and am always inspired by his work.---#1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson -A storyteller on the grandest scale.---Time Magazine, Canada Praise for Lord of Emperors Some of the finest writing to arise in the last decade. --Vancouver Sun -- Complex and compelling...every aspect of Lord of Emperoirs reveals a master at work. Simply not to be missed. --Edmonton Journal His most ambitious work yet...When it comes to imaginary worlds, Guy Gavriel Kay is the Lord of Emperors. --Maclean'sPraise for the novels of Guy Gavriel Kay [Read] anything by Guy Gavriel Kay... His strengths are strong characters and fantastic set pieces. --The New Yorker History and fantasy rarely come together as gracefully or readably as they do in the novels of Guy Gavriel Kay. --The Washington Post Book World Kay is a genius. I've read him all my life and am always inspired by his work. --#1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson A storyteller on the grandest scale. --Time Magazine, Canada