John A. Maloy earned his EdD. and EdS. from Indiana University Bloomington in educational policy and leadership, his M.S. in secondary education from IUPU Indianapolis, and his B.S. in secondary education Social Studies from Butler University in Indianapolis.
An essential guide for educational leaders, Handbook on How to Build Superintendent-Board Relationships provides actionable strategies and real-world examples that highlight the superintendent's impact on student achievement. It's both inspiring and practical. A timely and significant contribution to the field of education. Dr. Maloy has delivered what so many superintendents and school board members have been seeking: clarity and guidance. He masterfully balances the complicated nature of this partnership with the ultimate purpose of successfully supporting students and schools. Dr. Maloy's informative handbook provides a guide to help both new and experienced superintendents establish strong relationships with their board members. The questions in each chapter are thought-provoking and helpful in implementing effective strategies that facilitate strong superintendent-board relationships. I devoured Dr. Maloys, Handbook on How to Build Superintendent-Board Relationships. It is well written, comprehensive, instructive, and honest as he covers the waterfront. This book will serve as a foundation for school board leadership retreats for years to come.