Mary C. Gentile, PhD, is creator/director of Giving Voice to Values, professor of practice at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business, senior advisor at the Aspen Institute Business & Society Program, and consultant on management education and leadership development.
Gentile presents a strong-and sorely needed-case for improving corporate culture. -Publishers Weekly Winner of the 2011 Gold Medal for Axiom Business Book Awards in the Business Ethics category, as given by Jenkins Group & A wonderful guide to help us enter an era of responsibility and of leadership based on values. -Walter Isaacson, CEO of the Aspen Institute Giving Voice To Values heralds a revolution in ethics education. Gentile . . . wants to help you practice what to do when you know something is unethical. It's like a self-defense class for your soul. -Dan and Chip Heath, authors of Switch and Made to Stick . . . the most significant contribution to business ethics I have experienced in my professional career! . . . destined to shape the behavior of future generations in ways that should make us all much prouder of business as an entity and management as a career. -Leonard A. Schlesinger, President, Babson College . . . a fascinating tool to help us to be as ethical as we strive to be. . . . The ideas in the book are clever, original, thoughtful and important. -Max H. Bazerman, Straus Professor - HBS I can think of no better way to take 'ethics' out of the realm of pure philosophical discussion. Giving Voice to Values identifies what's stopping us from acting on the values we feel strongly about. It gives us the tools, the courage and the understanding to be our better self in even the stickiest business situation. -Ira Millstein, Senior Partner, Weil Gotshal, Manges, Senior Associate Dean for Corporate Governance and the Eugene F. Williams, Jr. Visiting Professor for Competitive Enterprise and Strategy, Yale School of Management