Minoo Moallem is professor of gender and women’s studies and director of media Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. She is the author of Persian Carpets: The Nation as a Transnational Commodity. Paola Bacchetta is professor of gender and women’s studies at the University of California, Berkeley. She is the author of Co-Motion: On Feminist and Queer Solidarities.
"Extremely timely and exciting given the broad and deep impact Mernissi's work had on the fields of women and gender studies with reference to the Middle East.-- ""Nadje Al-Ali, coeditor of We Are Iraqis: Aesthetics and Politics in the a Time of War"" These essays reveal Mernissi's brilliance, from her critiques of western discourses of Islam and Muslims and the patriarchy of both the West and her own society, to her vast knowledge of Islamic and Arab literature, and her deep understanding of female subordination and sexuality. Moallem and Bacchetta have made a major contribution to feminism with this anthology.-- ""Inderpal Grewal, author of Transnational America: Feminisms, Diasporas, Neoliberalisms"""