Trevor Ngwane is a scholar activist who spent twenty years as a full-time organizer in South African trade unions, community organizations and social movements before and after the defeat of apartheid. He later obtained his PhD in Sociology at the University of Johannesburg where he now teaches and conducts research.
'Compelling ... beats powerfully with an urgency for radical social change and democracy from below, fuelled and informed by the hard, daily struggles for housing, land, dignity and justice it makes visible' -- Aziz Choudry, editor of 'The University and Social Justice Struggles Across the Globe' (Pluto, 2020) 'A work of great erudition and elegance, it writes shack dwellers and their committees into the history of the working class movements and democratic theory' -- Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Chair of Epistemologies of the Global South, University of Bayreuth, Germany