Yoshimasa Masuda has 14 years of experience in enterprise architecture covering technology, application and security in many industries. He received his PhD in system design and management from Keio University. After completing a BS degree in science and engineering at Keio University, he led many global projects at IBM Japan and engaged in international assignments (Turkey, China). After joining a global pharmaceutical company, he started the global enterprise architecture. He completed his executive education (MoT) at MIT in 2011, and subsequently joined Carnegie Mellon University Australia in an exchange program in 2017 and as a visiting researcher in 2018. His research interests include enterprise architecture, digital IT, digital healthcare, and IT management. Murli Viswanathan has been with Carnegie Mellon University Australia since 2007. As an associate professor, he lectures and manages projects in business intelligence/analytics, machine learning, enterprise architecture, JAVA, and information systems for managers. After receiving his PhD in computer science from Monash University, he was a distinguished visiting professor at Ministry for Information & Communication in South Korea and an assistant professor of computer science at University of Melbourne. He is a senior member of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and Accenture subject matter expert for analytics. His primary research interests include machine learning for AI, ubiquitous healthcare, enterprise architecture and philosophy of mind.