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Crisis to Contentment

The getting of wisdom, mid-life

Marny Lishman



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Affirm Press
31 December 2024
Each phase of life brings with it its own set of challenges, and the average middle-aged person is busier than ever. Whether it's career changes, raising children, caring for elderly parents, dealing with loss, loneliness, navigating divorce, tempering hot flushes or keeping up with fast-paced societal changes (or all of the above), we have a lot on our plate. But with deep reflection and by tapping into the lessons and learnings from the first half of life, things can be better than they've ever been. Crisis to Contentment is about navigating the trials and tribulations of adulthood, reflecting on the range of 'crises' that adults might experience and why it's crucial to listen to the wisdom brought forth from your emotional angst for a more contented and transformed future.
Imprint:   Affirm Press
Country of Publication:   Australia
Dimensions:   Height: 198mm,  Width: 128mm, 
Weight:   230g
ISBN:   9781923135093
ISBN 10:   1923135090
Pages:   256
Publication Date:  
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Dr Marny Lishman is the author of Burnout to Brilliant, as well as a health and community psychologist, wellbeing and mindset coach, keynote speaker and media commentator. A sought-after national mental health and wellbeing expert, she provides commentary on a variety of mental health topics on TV, radio and in print.

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