Brian G. Shellum is a senior intelligence analyst with the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization with the U.S. Department of Defense. He is the author of Black Cadet in a White Bastion: Charles Young at West Point, available in a Bison Books edition.
Shellum's book is a welcome addition to recent studies of the black military experience... This is an enjoyable, commanding, and well researched work. -Bruce A. Glasrud, Journal of American History -- Bruce A. Glasrud Journal of American History Brian Shellum is to be congratulated for providing a first rate biography of a proud and competent officer serving during a difficult period of his country's history. -Thomas R. Buecker, Nebraska History -- Thomas R. Buecker Nebraska History Brian Shellum has filled an important void in African American biography and American military history. -Ronald G. Coleman, Utah Historical Quarterly -- Ronald G. Coleman Utah Historical Quarterly A valuable read for anyone with an interest in the final years of the frontier Army, American imperialism, African-Americans in military service, and American military history in general. -A.A. Nofi, -- A.A. Nofi This is a solid study of an important figure in American history. It is easy to recommend to those with an interest in military affairs, biography, and the African American experience. -Claude Clegg, Register of the Kentucky Historical Society -- Claude Clegg Register of the Kentucky Historical Society During a long and distinguished career-from being the first African-American captain in the regular army and first to be in charge of a national park, to serving in the Phillipines, chasing Pancho Villa in Mexico, and representing the United States in Liberia-Charles Young succeeded in spite of the Jim Crow prejudices permeating the American military of his time. His is a remarkable and inspiring story, though often overlooked. In this well-researched book, Brian Shellum finally gives Young the historical attention he deserves. -Dayton Duncan, author of The National Parks: America's Best Idea -- Dayton Duncan