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Hannibal and Scipio

Parallel Lives

Simon Hornblower



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Cambridge University Press
31 December 2024
The Second Punic War between Carthage and Rome began in 218 BCE and ended in 202 with the dramatic defeat at the Battle of Zama of Carthage's commander Hannibal by his adversary, the Roman Scipio. The two men were born about a decade apart but died in the same year, 183, following brilliant but ultimately unhappy careers. In this absorbing joint biography, celebrated historian Simon Hornblower reveals how the trajectory of each general illuminates his counterpart. Their individual journeys help us comprehend the momentous historical period which they shared, and which in distinct but interconnected ways they helped to shape. Hornblower interweaves his central military and political narrative with lively treatments of high politics, religious motivations and manipulations, overseas commands, hellenisation, and his subjects' ancient and modern reception. This gripping portrait of a momentous rivalry will delight readers of biography and military history and scholars and students of antiquity alike.
Imprint:   Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 235mm,  Width: 161mm,  Spine: 33mm
Weight:   900g
ISBN:   9781009453356
ISBN 10:   1009453351
Pages:   528
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Simon Hornblower, FBA, is a former Senior Research Fellow in Classical Studies at All Souls College, Oxford, and was previously (from 2006–10) Professor of Classics and Grote Professor of Ancient History at University College London. Over the past fifty years he has written, edited or co-edited twenty-five books, including Commentary on Thucydides (3 Volumes, 1991–2008), Herodotus: Histories Book V and VI (Cambridge, 2013 and 2017) and, most recently, Livy: Ab urbe condita Book XXII (Cambridge, 2020) and Lykophron: Alexandra (2022).

Reviews for Hannibal and Scipio: Parallel Lives

'The parallel lives of two of antiquity's greatest commanders, as told by one of today's greatest classicists. Assuming the role of a modern-day Plutarch, Hornblower delves into the families, formative years, military exploits, political struggles, and fraught twilight years of these colossal adversaries.' Michael J. Taylor, University at Albany 'A prominent ancient historian like Simon Hornblower does not entertain the idea of writing an intertwined history of two equally prominent figures from the Roman Republic and Ancient Carthage unless he intends to enjoy the ride. Despite the fact that Hannibal and Scipio were seen together only once, producing an intertwined narrative of their lives is wholly sensible – and no sustained attempt to do so has yet been made. The author has built his project into a magnificent piece of scholarship.' Toni Ñaco del Hoyo, ICREA Research Professor at Universitat de Girona

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