Megh R. Goyal, PhD, PE, is a Retired Professor in Agricultural and Biomedical Engineering from the College of Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico–Mayaguez Campus. He was proclaimed as the “Father of Irrigation Engineering in Puerto Rico for the twentieth century” by the ASABE, Puerto Rico Section, for his pioneering work on micro irrigation, evapotranspiration, agroclimatology, and soil and water engineering. A prolific author and editor, he has published more than 200 journal articles, several textbooks, and over 120 edited books. Arka Bhowmik, PhD, is a Research Associate in the Department of Radiology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York, USA. He formerly worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Medical Science and Technology at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India, and at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA. He was also an adhoc faculty in mechanical engineering at the National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, India. Anamika Chauhan, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Home Science at Chanam Lal Madhavidhyalya Haridwar, Sri Dev Suman University, Uttarakhand, India. She has published several research papers in peer-reviewed national and international journals, edited books, and a textbook. She has also been associated with workshops and conferences. Her research interests and areas range across education, nutrition, and human health.