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The Healing Self

Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life

Dr Deepak Chopra Rudolph E. Tanzi



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22 January 2019
Our immune systems can no longer be taken for granted. Current trends in public healthcare are disturbing: our increased air travel allows newly mutated bacteria and viruses to spread across the globe, antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria outstrip the new drugs that are meant to fight them, deaths due to hospital-acquired infections are increasing, and the childhood vaccinations of our aging population are losing their effectiveness. Now more than ever, our well-being is at a dangerous crossroad.

But there is hope, and the solution lies within ourselves. The Healing Self is the new breakthrough book in self-care by bestselling author and leader in integrative medicine Deepak Chopra and Harvard neuroscientist Rudolph E Tanzi. They argue that the brain possesses its own lymphatic system, meaning it is also tied into the body's general immune system.

Based on this brand new discovery, they offer new ways of increasing the body's immune system by stimulating the brain and our genes, and through this they help us fight off illness and disease. Combined with new facts about the gut microbiome and lifestyle changes, diet and stress reduction, there is no doubt that this ground-breaking work will have an important effect on your immune system.
By:   ,
Imprint:   Rider
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 198mm,  Width: 127mm,  Spine: 20mm
Weight:   209g
ISBN:   9781846045714
ISBN 10:   1846045711
Pages:   304
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  Professional and scholarly ,  College/higher education ,  ELT Advanced ,  Undergraduate
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Deepak Chopra (Author) Acknowledged as one of the world's greatest leaders in the field of mind/body medicine, Dr Deepak Chopra trained as an endocrinologist in India and the United States, and now runs the Chopra Center for Well Being in California. He has written many, popular books, which have been translated into 35 languages. He lectures and conducts seminars and workshops around the world. He is often covered by Time and CNN. He maintains a very popular website, and writes for the Washington Post, SF Chronicle and Huff Post. He is a regular blogger on huffingtonpost.com, belief.net, Yahoo Answers, Yahoo Health and Intent Blog. Visit his website at www.deepakchopra.comRudolph E. Tanzi (Author) Prof Rudolph E. Tanzi is the Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology at Harvard University. Dr. Tanzi has been investigating the genetics of neurological disease since the 1980s, when he participated in the first study using genetic markers to find a disease gene (Huntington's disease). Dr Tanzi isolated the first Alzheimer's disease gene and discovered several others; he now heads the Alzheimer's Genome Project.

Reviews for The Healing Self: Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life

The Healing Self is a quantum leap forward in the integration of science, medicine, wisdom and health. As Deepak Chopra and Rudolph Tanzi powerfully show, our first line of healing lies inside us, and the choices we make today are crucial to lifelong wellness. -- Arianna Huffington, Founder and CEO of Thrive Global The Healing Self, as revealed by Chopra and Tanzi, is a natural extension of the immunity and inflammation that can be managed by the concrete approach of these seasoned authors. -- Mehmet Oz,Professor Surgery, NYP-Columbia University Stress unequivocally affects the immune system and susceptibility to diseases. In The Healing Self, Chopra and Tanzi provide both a holistic and scientific perspective to understand this complex relationship and promote health. -- Eric J. Topol, Professor of Molecular Medicine, Scripps Research Institute Most chronic disorders begin years earlier than the first symptoms. The Healing Self is a great resource in showing readers how to use this knowledge for enhanced immunity, slowing the aging process, and going beyond conventional prevention. -- Dean Ornish, Founder & President, Preventive Medicine Research Institute Deepak Chopra and Rudy Tanzi once again effectively harness their scientific training and passionate commitment to advancing well-being in this accessible, life-changing compendium of cutting-edge tools that will extend your health span and improve your sense of meaning, connection, and flourishing. As inspiring as it is informative, The Healing Self shows us how to use our minds to open our awareness and create daily routines to improve our physical and mental health. -- Daniel J. Siegel, Clinical Professor, UCLA School of Medicine

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