Hailing from Scotland, Dave Cook is an author who writes comic books, video games and books about gaming. He created Killtopia and then produced it with the series' original artist Craig Paton. Together they won several awards for the series. Dave's also the writer of retro beat 'em up tribute comic series BPM: Beatdowns Per Minute, the psychological horror trip, Deadliner, and Ninja Baseball Spirits.
“Reads like a twisted future that’s not far from our own” Darick Robertson (The Boys, Transmetropolitan) “Killtopia is the epitome of mecha, cyberpunk storytelling. With its clear homages to old-school manga and anime, this is the perfect dystopian universe.” A Place to Hang Your Cape Killtopia is a meticulously-crafted fusion of glamour and gloom, perfectly portraying a future as energetically effervescent as it is unforgivingly brutal, and more than worthy of taking its place alongside the litany of classics that inspired it.” Starburst Magazine “Killtopia achieves what Cyberpunk 2077 attempted to deliver. This comic is stunning to look at and exhilarating to read.” Comic Book Yeti “Vastly impressive in every way. High octane action, massive science fiction ideas, a big cast and a punk aesthetic mean it walks like a heavyweight and punches like a super heavyweight. A startlingly strong debut, an embodiment of everything cyberpunk does well and one of the best science fiction comics I’ve read so far this year. Utterly recommended.” Tripwire Magazine “Killtopia is truly sci-fi in its nature, asking “what if?” on so many different levels that the book is very, very possible—frighteningly so! I mean, even some of the robots have advertisements and happy faces on them! I have a feeling we’ll see that in real life before too long.” Major Spoilers “It’s sci-fi, it’s violent, it’s good-hearted, it’s tragic, it’s funny, it’s beautiful in many ways and it’s bathed in love for Japanese culture.” Comic Book News UK ""A good, noisy, sci fi action series!"" Down The Tubes