One of the most original minds in management. --Fast Company Henry Mintzberg's views are a breath of fresh air which can only encourage the good guys. --The Observer Over the years I have asked many groups of managers what happened the day they became managers. First I get puzzled looks and then shrugs. Nothing, they report. You are supposed to figure it out--like sex, I suppose, usually with the same dire initial consequences. And from there, while we can find plenty of effective managers--if we can figure out what that means--we see a great deal of dysfunctional and often bizarre managerial behavior too. The costs are immense. --Henry Mintzberg One of the most original minds in management. Fast Company Henry Mintzberg's views are a breath of fresh air which can only encourage the good guys. The Observer Over the years I have asked many groups of managers what happened the day they became managers. First I get puzzled looks and then shrugs. Nothing, they report. You are supposed to figure it out like sex, I suppose, usually with the same dire initial consequences. And from there, while we can find plenty of effective managers if we can figure out what that means we see a great deal of dysfunctional and often bizarre managerial behavior too. The costs are immense. Henry Mintzberg