D.W. Livingstone is Canada Research Chair in Lifelong Learning and Work at the University of Toronto, Head of the Centre for the Study of Education and Work at OISE/UT, and Director of the SSHRC national research network on ""The Changing Nature of Work and Lifelong Learning.""
A rigorous, beautifully crafted, and stunningly successful shredding of the human capital enterprise. This splendidly executed investigation offers us a timely picture of human capital theory as the social sciences own Titanic. Ivar Berg, University of Pennsylvania One of the most important books of the decade. This book breathes new life into the much overlooked relationship between education and economic reform. Henry A. Giroux, Pennsylvania State University Livingstones book is an incisive critique of economic and educational orthodoxy, and a powerful new analysis of the connections among school, learning, and work. An important new study by one of the best educational sociologists in the world. R. W. Connell, University of Sydney In contrast to the dismal future of continuing and growing underemployment promised by the dominant social policy elite, the author offers a refreshing alternative of economic democracy that is economically viable, socially just, and politically worth struggling for. Raj Pannu, University of Alberta