Trista Hendren founded Girl God Books in 2011 to support a necessary unravelling of the patriarchal world view of divinity. Her first book-The Girl God, a children's picture book-was a response to her own daughter's inability to see herself reflected in God. Since then, she has published more than 50 books by a dozen women from across the globe with help from her family and friends. She lives in Bergen, Norway. You can learn more about her projects at Claire Dorey, Editor: Wounded Feminine: Grieving with Goddess, the Girl God Books. She is a regular contributor at Girl God Books, Return to Mago E-Magazine, and has been published in She Summons: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality, 2021, and Celebrating Intercosmic Kinship of the Goddess, 2023, both Mago Books. She illustrates her written work.Her initiation upon the Goddess path occurred via ceremonial blessings by Priestesses in India. She is currently researching and intuitively interpreting meaning in ancient symbols from a feminist and cosmic perspective, using observation skills from her artistic training and by accessing creative wisdom from studying various healing practices, to try to see what ancient artists saw and feel how they felt.Goldsmiths: BA Honors, Fine Art. Main Employment: Journalist and Creative, UK and overseas. Artist: Most notable group show, Pillow Talk at the Tate Modern. Included in the Pillow Talk Book. Curator: 3 x grass roots SLWA exhibitions and educational events focusing on Female Empowerment: Violence, Healing and Self. Current Artistic practice derives from the meditative, which she calls sending postcards from the dark subconscious. She runs two 'closed' FB groups, Esoteric Hissstories and Sirens at Source. Teaching Work-shops: Sculpture and Drawing. Extra study: Suppressed Female His-tory and Goddess studies; Accessing Creative Wisdom; Sound and Breath Work; Reiki Master; Colour Therapy; Hand Mudras; Reflex-ology type massage; Sculpture.
"""Wounded Feminine is a magnificent chorus, which wades in the mind/heart/soul of the reader churning the long-lasting waves inwardly. Animating the legacy of the collective grief and strife for love and connection with the whole, many voices of the anthology reshape the consciousness of what was lost and transform the subconsciousness into the power of the Cosmic Mother. This anthology is the seeds of deep thoughts, the indispensable steps for matriversal soteriology.! -Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, author of Reader: Toward Magoist Cetaceanism (Mago Books, 2023) ""For those of us whose hearts rest in the Goddess, we are afforded a safe and healing place in which to feel, acknowledge and express our grief. Loss in all its sizes is a necessary part of every life--learning to wrap it with ceremony and holiness does much to lessen its weight. This book is an entry point for those who need it as well as a resource for those profoundly engaged with this very human mystery."" -H. Byron Ballard, priestess, author A Feral Church ""Wounded Feminine: Grieving with Goddess is another exquisite and deeply moving anthology from Girl God books. The importance of women's voices being expressed and heard in today's patriarchal society cannot be underestimated. Reclaiming grief from guilt, and encouraging the fullest range and outpouring of women's grief is deeply liberating, for both writers and readers. As I read the different perspectives and experiences of grief, pain and suffering my heart broke open many times from empathy with, and love for, my sisters. I was also uplifted by the shared and lived experiences of the holding and healing of Goddess, alongside the strength and balm She can bring to us all. I loved the honouring and acceptance of women creating, writing and drawing in their own unique style, using the words that feel most authentic to them. Beautiful, moving and transforming.""-Dr Lynne Sedgmore CBE, author of Goddess Luminary Leadership Wheel: A Post-Patriarchal Paradigm"