Mariam Seedat-Khan is Professor of Sociology at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, where she is head of the clinical sociology postgraduate programme. She is also a visiting professor at Taylor’s University, Malaysia, vice president-elect of the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology (AACS) and an executive member of the Clinical Sociology Research Committee (RC46) of the International Sociological Association (ISA). She is an NRF-rated researcher and certified clinical sociologist who explores applied and clinical teaching and learning disabilities. She is the author of Domestic Workers and Socialisation in South Africa (2009) and co-editor of Sociology: A South African Perspective (2016). Johanna O. Zulueta is Professor of Sociology at Toyo University, Japan. She is also a visiting professor at Taylor’s University, Malaysia, and a member of the steering committee of the Philippine Migration Research Network (PMRN). Her research explores issues of gender, ethnicity, and immigration in East and Southeast Asia. She is the author of Transnational Identities on Okinawa’s Military Bases: Invisible Armies (2020), and Okinawan Women's Stories of Migration: From War Brides to Issei (Routledge, 2022), and editor of Thinking Beyond the State: Migration, Integration, and Citizenship in Japan and the Philippines (2018) and co-editor of Japan: Migration and a Multicultural Society (2014).