Sandro Galea is the dean and Robert A. Knox Professor at the Boston University School of Public Health. He is the author of several books, including The Contagion Next Time and Well: What We Need to Talk about When We Talk about Health.
"""Despite remarkable successes, Galea argues, public health succumbed to a disturbing strain of illiberalism during the pandemic. . . .Galea makes a powerful case that to carry the worst illiberal outcomes from the pandemic into the next crisis would be a devastating mistake."" -- Pamela Paul * The New York Times * ""Galea is a good companion in navigating readers through the political thickets in which public health now operates. [Within Reason] is not about COVID-19, but the pandemic was an enormous stress test of public health and thrust public health into the center of politics and media attention."" * The Lancet * “Powerful, erudite, and immersive—an essential treatise on our needed reformation in public health.” -- Alonzo Plough | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation “With equal dose of empathy and examination, Sandro Galea challenges us to undertake a deep exercise of self-reflection: how our hard-won political beliefs may betray us in the hope for a greater good. Within Reason is critically relevant for each of us—and all of us.” -- Julio Frenk | University of Miami"