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Why Maslow?

How to use his theory to stay in power forever

Juan Rodulfo Guaripete Solutions



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Aussie Trading LLC
01 November 2024
Abraham Maslow was a psychologist concerned with the nature of the human experience,

a humanistic psychologist. In 1943 he proposed a theory that described the different needs that all humans have and the hierarchy in which those needs are organized.

According to Maslow, higher-level needs cannot be satisfied unless lower-level needs have been satisfied.

From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are: physiological, security, love and belonging, esteem and self-fulfillment.

Each person is capable and willing to move up the hierarchy to a level of self-realization. Unfortunately, progress is often interrupted by not meeting the needs of a lower level.

Life experiences, including divorce and job loss, can cause a person to fluctuate between the levels of the hierarchy.

These needs of the Base of the Hierarchy: Food, Shelter, Security and Education are in ""theory"" guaranteed not only in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but in most of the Constitutions of the countries.

Surprisingly none of these needs, studied by Maslow and even written in the UDHR, are satisfied by any government, in order to keep the population at the Primitive Levels of Maslow's Pyramid of Needs.
Cover design or artwork by:  
Imprint:   Aussie Trading LLC
Dimensions:   Height: 229mm,  Width: 152mm,  Spine: 10mm
Weight:   259g
ISBN:   9798330534302
Pages:   138
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Juan Ramon Rodulfo Moya, Defined by Nature: Inhabitant of Planet Earth, Human, Son of Eladio Rodulfo and Briceida Moya, Brother of Gabriela, Gustavo and Katiuska, Father of Gabriel and Sofia; Defined by society: Venezuelan Citizen (Limited Human Rights by default), Friend of many, enemy of few, Neighbor, Student/Teacher/Student, Worker/Supervisor/Manager/Leader/Worker, Husband of K/Ex-Husband of K/Husband of Y; Defined by the U.S. Immigration Office: Legal Alien; Classroom studies: Master's Degree in Human Resource Management, English, Mandarin Chinese; Real-World Studies: Human Behavior; Home Studios: SEO Webmaster, Graphic Design, Application and Website Development, Internet and Social Media Marketing, Video Production, YouTube Branding, Part 107 Commercial Drone Pilot, Import-Export, Affiliate Marketing, Cooking, Laundry, Home Cleaning; Work experience: Public-Private-Entrepreneurial Sectors; Other definitions: Bitcoin Evangelist, Defender of Human Rights, Peace and Love.

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