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White Hibiscus

A portrait in words

Loribelle Spirovski



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04 March 2025
White Hibiscus is a meditation on how trauma casts stones into the strange waters of our lives, creating ripples that stretch on long after the stones have sunk.

White Hibiscus is a poetic memoir that circles around an archived memory unlocked by a woman during the captivity of a cruise ship journey. While her husband prepares for his piano recitals, she encounters portholes into her childhood, reliving memories of the Philippines with vivid clarity, and, at times, pain. For all its luxury, she can't help being affected by what she observes on the ship, the passengers' wealth, the crew's subservience. Always prone to motion sickness, onboard her nausea is constant. White Hibiscus is a meditation on how trauma casts stones into the strange waters of our lives, creating ripples that stretch on long after the stones have sunk.
Imprint:   UPSWELL
Country of Publication:   Australia
Dimensions:   Height: 210mm,  Width: 151mm,  Spine: 17mm
Weight:   231g
ISBN:   9780645984057
ISBN 10:   0645984051
Pages:   206
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Loribelle Spirovski's painting practise works in the interstices between the human figure and space, movement and stillness. Her work spans traditional portraiture, surrealism and pop art with dark and light themes in a single experimental practice. Spirovski paints a fragmented world, reflecting the anxieties defining the present age while never relinquishing a sense of hope for the future. This is Loribelle's first book- lyrical but also carrying some of her painterly approaches to creating meaning.

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