""This book is powerful and moving. Hearing her journey is remarkable and engaging. The author does a fantastic job with telling her story. I highly recommend this book to others."" Lorkian S. ""I enjoyed this true story. It caught my attention because I could very much relate to the story line. How many times in life we can be manipulated and further more abused by people we have trusted. I can also relate to her overcoming and growing exponentially through it. Thank you for writing your story."" Mary Elizabeth Roberts ""Life is full of struggles and triumphs and this book really highlights that. Ones relationship with God can fluctuate throughout time, this book has so much to learn from and as someone who feels like they have gone through many similar things this book, not the same, but similar, this made this book really empowering to me. I loved it and I hope more people will read this. Great sentiments and absolutely tons to learn. Loved."" Trish L.