Bruno Breitmeyer received his B. A. in mathematics from the University of Illinois-Urbana in 1968 and his Ph. D. in psychology from Stanford University in 1972. He joined the faculty of the University of Houston in 1972 as an assistant professor. From 1973-1974 he was a research fellow in visual perception at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. From 1976-1977 and in the summer of 1987 he was an Alexander von Humboldt research fellow at the Department of Neurophysiology, Neurological Clinic, Freiburg University, Germany. Over the span of three decades his research interests have focused on spatiotemporal aspects of visual cognition, in particular on visual masking and the microgenesis of visual perception. Acknowledged as a leading expert in the field of visual masking, his work has received the Citation Classic award from the Institute of Scientific Information. Haluk Ögmen received B.Sc.A. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Université Laval, Québec, Canada in 1983 and 1988, respectively. He joined the University of Houston in 1988 as an assistant professor. He spent the 1995-1996 academic year at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute in San Francisco, CA as a visiting scientist. In 2004, he was a fellow of Hanse Institute for Advanced Study (Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg) and a visiting scientist at the University of Bremen, Institute of Brain Research, Human Neurobiology Laboratory. Presently he is Professor and Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Director of the Center for Neuro-Engineering and Cognitive Science at University of Houston.
. ..covers the topic well...readers familiar with cognitive neuroscience and vision literature should find it to be a useful summary of the current research and a stimulating guide to future research directions. --Doody's