DONALD ROBERTSON is a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist, trainer, and writer. He was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, and after living in England and working in London for many years, he emigrated to Canada where he now lives. Robertson has been researching Stoicism and applying it in his work for twenty years. He is one of the founding members of the non-profit organization Modern Stoicism.
Whether you're new to Marcus Aurelius or already know him as a friend and guide, this graphic 'novel' will open your eyes. The book truly makes him a three-dimensional person, not just the writer of Meditations. Author and artist have found - invented, I might say - a brilliant combination of entertainment and education. --Robin Waterfield, translator of Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus Superb rendering of Marcus' action-filled life and times. Readers are in safe hands knowing the text comes from Stoic philosophy expert Donald Robertson. Don't be fooled by the graphic nature of this book, you will learn a lot - and be inspired at the same time. --Tom Butler-Bowdon, author of the 50 Classics series