Wolfgang Jorisch, age group 1946, studied chemistry at RWTH Aachen University, and gained his doctorate from the University of Essen. He worked at RWTUV in Essen from 1980-87, before taking up a position in technical sales and distribution at the chemistry applications segment of Leybold Vacuum in Cologne, Germany. In 2000 he switched to the same occupation at Graham Precision Pumps Ltd, UK, at this time a subsidiary of Graham Corporation, Batavia, NY, USA., now-a-days a company of Dr.-Ing. K. Busch UK, until 2005, when he began IVPT Industrielle Vakuumprozesstechnik, seat in works of Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum in Cologne (Germany). Dr. Jorisch has been a member of the board of ""Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis (VIP)"" from the year of the journal`s start in 1987 up to 2012. Since end of 2011 he is in retirement.