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Unity between Horse and Rider

Classical Training for the Benefit of Both

Anne Wilson (Tracking-Up Magazine (Co-Owner))



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CRC Press
04 February 2025
Many riders and horse owners are looking for a kinder, more ethical way of interacting with their horses, to fulfil the requirements of the modern Social Licence to Operate but also to enhance their relationship with their animal. In this book, author and expert rider Anne Wilson demonstrates that we need look no further than the teachings of the great classical riding masters, past and present.

Classical teachings are often misunderstood today. This in-depth book on classical principles aims to rectify that, enlightening the reader on techniques which will enhance their own enjoyment as well as that of their horses. Wilson provides a wealth of ‘how-to’ information, via down-to-earth language and detailed imagery, which will enable readers to put the principles into effect. She throws light on hitherto much misunderstood aspects of horse training, showing that when these principles are employed correctly, the rider or trainer will experience an incomparable feeling of being at one with their horse. Perhaps most importantly, this book will help your horse enjoy ‘dancing’ with his or her rider, enhancing their physical and mental well-being, as well as their likely longevity.

Unity between Horse and Rider: Classical Training for the Benefit of Both will be of great benefit to riders in any discipline who have basic knowledge and skills but wish to learn a more ethical, fulfilling way of training and riding. For riders, riding professionals, students and trainers, classical riding is the key to a happy life for horse and human alike.
Imprint:   CRC Press
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 234mm,  Width: 156mm, 
Weight:   385g
ISBN:   9781032790817
ISBN 10:   1032790814
Pages:   192
Publication Date:  
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Professional and scholarly ,  Professional and scholarly ,  Primary ,  Undergraduate
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Introduction1. Classical Riding for Everyone 2. What is Going Wrong Today? 3. The Classical Seat 4. Contact With the Horse’s Mouth 5. The Halt and Half-Halt 6. The Walk and Trot 7. The Canter 8. Turns and Circles: Including Turn-on-the-Forehand, Turn-on-the-Haunches (demi pirouette), and Serpentines, as well as Flexion and Straightness in the School 9. Introducing Lateral Exercises Leg-Yield, Shoulder-Fore And Shoulder-In 10. The Travers or Quarters-in 11. Half-Pass12. Renvers or Haunches Out 13. Rein-Back: Including Position of the Rider’s Lower Leg for Different Movements 14. Collection and the Beginnings of Self-Carriage: Including Tracking-up 15. Lengthening And Extension: Including Trotting Poles and Transitions Building up to Extension 16. Counter-Canter and Flying Change 17. Intertwining The Exercises: Including Voltes and Demi-Voltes

Anne Wilson has been involved with horses all her life and trained with Sylvia Loch. She joined the Classical Riding Club (run by Sylvia Loch) in 1995 and for many years was Regional Liaison Member on behalf of the Club. In 1998, she was awarded The CRC Gold Award Certificate. Anne began writing articles for the CRC Club magazine in 1995. Since then, she has been writing regularly for various equestrian magazines. From 2008 until 2020, she wrote articles every month in Equi-Ads magazine, which was a national publication with around 300,000 circulation. In 2004, her first book, Top Horse Training Methods Explored, was published; it became an equestrian best-seller and was pronounced 'Book of the Month' in that year by the British Horse Society. In 2009, her second book, Riding Revelations - Classical Training from the Beginning, was published. In 2008, Anne began publishing a quarterly equestrian subscription magazine, in partnership with Susan McBane and Lesley Skipper, titled Tracking-up. This is still active today, and she continues to write articles in this publication and is actively involved in its production. This magazine does not carry advertising and is run on a non-profit-making, voluntary basis, for the benefit of horses. To subscribe to Tracking-up, email Anne at Alongside her writing career, Anne has been teaching the art of classical riding to individual pupils since around 1995.

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