Prof. Arnold Rosenberg is a distinguished university professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He also held research positions at Northeastern University and Colorado State University, a professorship at Duke University, and a staff research position at IBM Watson Research Center. He was elected a fellow of the ACM in 1996 for his work on graph-theoretic models of compuation, emphasizing theoretical studies of parallel algorithms and architectures, VLSI design and layout, and data structures. In 1997, he was elected as a fellow of the IEEE for fundamental contributions to theoretical aspects of computer science and engineering. Prof. Denis Trystram is a distinguished professor at the Grenoble Institute of Engineering, an honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), and he works at the Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble (LIG) in the team-project DataMove-INRIA. His research interestst include the design and analysis of efficient algorithms for optimizing resource use in parallel and distributed systems, approximation algorithms for scheduling and packing problems, and algorithms for data analytics. Both authors have considerable teaching and practical experience in the application of discrete mathematics approaches to computing tasks.
The text is written in an easy to read format which generously incorporates narratives from the history of mathematics as well as rigorous proofs of the concepts presented. The appendices and references to other texts provide the reader with numerous sources of supplementary information for those wishing to delve into a subject at a deeper level ... . chapters are organized and clearly labeled to express which sections are appropriate for a beginning learner, an intermediate learner, or the specialist. (Tom French, MAA Reviews, October 3, 2021) Each chapter comes with several exercises from easy to difficult, the latter with complete solutions in the appendix. To accommodate the book to readers with different backgrounds and goals, the authors provide a guide which gives paths through the book for several courses. The exposition is always clear and motivating, no prerequisites are presumed, all terms and concepts are defined precisely, and there are many look-and-see proofs. (Dieter Riebesehl, zbMATH 1465.68004, 2021)