Kok-Kwang Phoon is Cheng Tsang Man Chair Professor and Provost at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. He has edited three books and authored one book: Model Uncertainties in Foundation Design (CRC Press, 2021). He was awarded the ASCE Norman Medal twice, in 2005 and in 2020, and the Humboldt Research Award in 2017. He is the Founding Editor of Georisk and appointed a Board Member of ISSMGE and elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore. Takayuki Shuku is Associate Professor of Okayama University in Japan. He received the Best Paper Award from Japan Society of Civil Engineering in 2020, and the ISSMGE Bright Spark Lecture Award in 2019. Jianye Ching is Distinguished Professor at National Taiwan University and Convener of the Civil & Hydraulic Engineering Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan. He served as Chair of ISSMGE’s TC304 (risk) and Chair of Geotechnical Safety Network (GEOSNet). He is Managing Editor of the journal Georisk.
'All chapters of this book collectively highlight the growing importance of probabilistic and advanced computational methods in geotechnical engineering, focusing on the necessity to account for soil variability and construction uncertainties. Techniques like the Random Finite Element Method, Monte Carlo simulations, and reduced-order models are emphasised for their role in improving design accuracy and reliability. For practicing engineers, this signifies a shift towards more informed decision-making, allowing for safer, more efficient, and sustainable solutions. The inclusion of practical case studies makes the book a valuable guide for engineers to implement these methods in real-world scenarios.' Behzad Fatahi, in Georisk A strength of the book is its large scope in terms of probabilistic methods and applications, facilitated by the combined expertise of the contributing authors. You will find practical examples of piling, tunnels, footings, ground improvement, and slopes in both layered soil and jointed rock, to mention just a few... The premise is that the engineer’s decision-making can be enhanced by performing uncertainty quantification and numerical modelling in combination. Johan Spross in Structural Safety