Van Van Tong is a lecturer at the School of Information and Communication Technology at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam. His research interests include blockchain, cyber security, SDN and network troubleshooting. Sami Souihi, HDR, is an Associate Professor in Computer Science in the N&T Department of Paris-Est Créteil University (UPEC), France, and is part of the LiSSiTincNET research team. His research focuses on adaptive mechanisms in large-scale dynamic systems, among others. Hai-Anh Tran is lecturer researcher and Vice-Dean in the Faculty of Computer Engineering, SoICT at HUST, Vietnam. His research interests include computer networks, distributed systems, network security, QoS, QoE and IoT, ranging from the theory of design to implementation. Abdelhamid Mellouk is a full-time Professor, the Director of the IT4H High School Engineering Department, UPEC, and Head of the TincNET research team in France. He is also the founder of Network Control Research and Curricula activities at UPEC, the current Co President of the French Deep Tech Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Systematic Hub, member of the High Scientific Research and Technology National Council and President of policies and programs commission, IEEE ComSoc CSR TC Award Chair.