Nineta Hrastelj studied and obtained her PhD at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU. Her research topics were horizontal across analytical chemistry, chemometrics and metrology. She is author, co-author or editor of about 250 contributions in research and teaching as well as policy related topics of general concern. Since 1999 her expert work is mostly about quality of analytical measurements, covering various aspects from metrology, accreditation, standardization and testing laboratories points of view. Her contributions in this area were recognised by several awards. Since 2011 she is the General Secretary of EuCheMS. Ricardo Bettencourt da Silva obtained his PhD from the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa in 2004. He has held numerous positions as head of laboratories as well as consultant and trainer in particular for laboratory accreditation. He is researcher in the Centro de Química Estrutural of the Universidade de Lisboa and has been teaching analytical chemistry at the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. The main topics of his research are metrology and examinology in chemistry, the sciences of quantitative and qualitative evaluations in chemistry respectively.