Thomas Shevory is Emeritus Professor of Politics at Ithaca College. He is the author of many books, including Toxic Burn: The Grassroots Struggle against the WTI Incinerator, Notorious H.I.V.: The Media Spectacle of Nushawn Williams, and The Great Lakes at Ten Miles an Hour: One Cyclists Journey along the Shores of the Inland Seas.
"""We need more studies like Toxic Lake—up close, detailed accounts of such degraded sites and possible solutions. ‘The devil is in the details,’ they say, and it is important to exorcize the devils. It is particularly valuable to see a book that gives attention to possible ways to move toward restoration, that understands that politics matter, and that acknowledges the ‘indigenous wisdom’ of Onondaga people seeking a seat at the table."" * Martin V. Melosi, author of Fresh Kills: A History of Consuming and Discarding in New York City * ""Thomas Shevory’s masterful environmental history of North America’s most notoriously polluted lake traces recounts everything from the Onondaga foundational mythology to the financially-driven pitfalls which plagued the recently ‘completed,’ government-mandated clean-up efforts. With laser focus and lighter whimsy, Shevory’s research provides every detail from pollution particulates to personal politics, all of which returns to a central argument: If only we took seriously the rationale, philosophical tradition—the voices of the original Native stewards of this toxic lake, our government might have conducted a more comprehensive and healthier cleanup for all people and all else on this planet."" * Joseph Alexiou, author of Gowanus: Brooklyn’s Curious Canal *"