Junzo Kasahara received B. S., M.S., and D.Sc. degrees in Geophysics from Nagoya University in 1965, 1967, and 1970, respectively. Between 1970 -1986 and 1988-2004, he was the assistant, associate, and full professors at the university of Tokyo. He worked in marine seismology. During 1974,1976, and in 1979, was the visiting associate professor of University of Hawaii. In 1986, he joined Schlumberger Japan as manager for seismic interpretation and the logging tool design. During his academic works, he published three books from the University of Tokyo Press. He was awarded the professor of emeritus of the University of Tokyo. In 2004, he joined Tono Geoscience Center as a senior researcher, where he worked on the ACROSS project. Between 2004 and 2008, he served for the extension of the Japan Continental Shelf. Currently, he is the principal investigator for the geothermal project and visiting professor at the University of Shizuoka. Dr. Hasada is a Research engineer with Daiwa Exploration and Consulting Co. Ltd., in Tokyo. Her education includes Dr. Sci. (Geophysics), Nagoya University, 2000, M.S. (Geophysics), Nagoya University, 1997, B.S. (Earth Sciences), Nagoya University, 1995