Manuel Garcia-Perez got his BSc in Chemical Engineering and his first master in Process Engineering from the Oriente’s University in Cuba. He got his MSc and his PhD from Laval University in Quebec, Canada. After completing his PhD he did two post-doctoral assignments at the University of Georgia in US and at Monash University in Australia. He is currently a full professor and chair of the Biological Systems Engineering department at Washington State University. Dr. Garcia-Perez is associate editor of Biomass and Bioenergy, and reviewer editor of the Journal of Analytical and Applied pyrolysis. He also served for six years at the USDA-DOE Biomass research and development technical advisory committee. Dr. Garcia-Perez has made contributions to advance our understanding of biomass thermochemical reactions, the chemistry of pyrolysis-oils and carbonaceous materials. So far, he has published more than 160 peer reviewed publications. Farid Chejne-Janna is a Physicist and Mechanical Engineer and Doctor in Engineer, specific area related to Energy System, he is a titular Professor of Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Adjunct Professor of Washington State University in United State, Member of Number of the Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. He has several research works related to mathematical modelling at different scales of thermochemical processes (drying, pelletizing, pyrolysis slow and fast, torrefaction, gasification and combustion) and other physical phenomena, several studies related to energy efficiency and with thermal equipment design. His scientific contribution is highlighted by the publication of more than 100 scientific articles in high-impact journals, he has 5 patents, 8 prototypes and around 10 books. His scientific contribution has earned him multiple recognitions in various areas of science and industry, among which stands out the Medal of Merit and Prize for Academic Excellence from the Universidad Nacional of Colombia, Scientific Talent from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and Medellín Research Award in Colombia.