Jim R. Sibley is research professor with Israel College of the Bible in Netanya, Israel. Residing in Israel for many years, he and his wife, Kathy, now live in the Dallas, Texas, area. Sibley is an author and speaker who has a passion for the word of God and for stirring an interest in, and understanding of, the land and people of Israel. For more information go to jimrsibley.com.
""In this enlightening and engaging new book Dr. Sibley pulls back the cover revealing the messianic thread laced through the Bible and proclaiming our Lord as the true prophet, priest, and king of all creation. Having immersed his entire life in Jewish studies and planting his life in the land of the Bible for many years, no one is more qualified to bring forth this eye-opening opus than Jim Sibley. Read it . . . and reap!"" --O.S.Hawkins, chancellor, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary ""In this biblical theology of the Messiah, Sibley embraces the hermeneutical principle of reading forwards, i.e., allowing a careful reading of the Hebrew Bible to shed light on the person and work of Yeshua in the New Testament. By doing so, Sibley shows that the New Testament is a profoundly Jewish book about a proudly Jewish Messiah whose words and deeds are rooted deeply in the Hebrew Scriptures."" --Seth D. Postell, academic dean of Israel College of the Bible, ONE FOR ISRAEL Bible College, Netanya, Israel ""Biblically accurate, theologically sound, and practically helpful, this book unlocks the keys about the messianic kingdom of Christ. If you have ever wondered how to relate the Old Testament to the New, here is the book for you. The study of all three messianic roles is crucial for correctly interpreting the biblical promise of the messianic kingdom. This book is a must read!"" --David L. Allen, distinguished professor of practical theology, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary