Heidi Smith, MA, RH (AHG), is a psychosomatic therapist, registered herbalist, flower essence practitioner, and the author of The Bloom Book. Within her private practice, Moon & Bloom, Heidi works collaboratively with her clients to empower greater balance, actualization, and soul-level healing within themselves. She is passionate about engaging both the spiritual and scientific dimensions of the plant kingdom, and sees plant medicine and ritual as radical ways to promote individual, collective, and planetary healing. She lives in Brooklyn, NY, with her partner and two cats. For more, visit moonandbloom.com.
""A timely guide to living in a heart-centered, grounded, and fearless way. Vivid and eloquent, with a wide spectrum of different cultural interpretations, methods, and templates to incorporate prayer-a most important, yet underestimated, component of healing."" --Lata Chettri-Kennedy, community herbalist, teacher, and founder of Flower Power Herbs & Roots ""A beautifully written book that empowers us all to believe prayer can be used to effect change in our lives. I read it late into the night and found myself thinking about it first thing every morning.""--Lydia Fenet, author of THE MOST POWERFUL WOMAN IN THE ROOM IS YOU ""Building upon the extraordinary insights of Heidi's first book, THE UNCOMMON BOOK OF PRAYER is itself a prayer for collective healing co-created through Heidi's devoted attunement to the unseen, the divine, ancestral wisdom, and ecological intelligence; and in respectful dialogue with a multiplicity of diverse social and cultural perspectives, traditions, and cosmologies. With so much to feel helpless about at this moment, this book is a timely offering, reminding us of great power in each of us to harness prayer as a means of intentionally committing to interconnectedness, mutuality, solidarity, and love.""--Nicole Daunic, PhD, founder of Black Hole Hollow ""For years now, Heidi Smith's mission has been to resacralize experience and to rediscover and resurrect hard ancient methods and mysteries and plant them in busy, complex, messy modern life. This astute, encyclopedic, frequently wise book continues that project. It's a gift and a reminder. Much of the time it can seem like prayer is all we have. Maybe-now and again-it's all we need.""--William Todd Schultz, PhD, author of THE MIND OF THE ARTIST ""I have always loved the quote, ""Prayer is speaking to God. Meditation is listening to God."" But THE UNCOMMON BOOK OF PRAYER reminded me that being in a life of prayer is communing with God in every second. That being in wocekiye (relationship) is living in love with my heart's communication with and from the Divine.""--Grace Harry, author of THE JOY STRATEGIST ""I have never had a relationship to prayer before, and never thought I would. But Heidi's book helped me understand that praying didn't have to be some rote thing I did before sleeping or eating, but rather a continuous conversation with myself and the universe. There is something about both the power and simplicity that this book offers that connected with me so deeply, that the first time I admitted I was praying. I found myself crying the whole time.""--Marisa Meltzer, author of THIS IS BIG, GIRL POWER, and GLOSSY ""This is the book on prayer that I have been waiting for! Inspiring, thoughtfully researched, and beautiful, THE UNCOMMON BOOK OF PRAYER offers an inclusive and modern approach to the sacred, universal act of prayer.""--Nicole Pivirotto, designer and author of PRISM ORACLE and COLOR, FORM, and MAGIC ""THE UNCOMMON BOOK OF PRAYER is the awakening we need right now for the healing of self, our communities, and the Earth. This book is a remembrance of our connection to our hearts and souls, Spirit, and each other.""--Linda Lopes, Ra Illuminare Multidimensional Healer and Sacred Drum Practitioner ""THE UNCOMMON BOOK OF PRAYER lovingly guides you away from the patriarchal, white supremacist, and heteronormative ideas about prayer, and brings you into a world where prayer is a valuable tool in your arsenal of self-care practices, encouraging you to connect to the divine during moments of joy--not just in moments of desperation--which in turn helps you deepen your relationship with yourself. This book is a beautiful offering to the collective.""--Claire Goodchild, author and artist of THE BOOK OF ANCESTORS and the ANTIQUE ANATOMY TAROT