Tom Bruett is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a practice in California and Colorado. He trains therapists in the Bader/Pearson Developmental Model of Couples Therapy and he has a specialization in working with LGBTQIA2S+ relationships. As an educator, he has trained therapists across multiple states in working with queer partnerships in a more effective and affirmative way.
As useful for clinicians interested in conceptualizing differentiation as an organizing concept in relational therapy with gay, queer, and male identified same gender loving people, as it is for men looking to better understand how to remain authentic and connected to self and others in intimate relationship. -- Joseph Winn LICSW, CST-S AASECT Certified Sex therapist and Certified Supervisor of Sex Therapy Tom Bruett tailors conventional relationship advice specifically for gay male couples, saving you the hassle of sifting through heteronormative content for useful insights. With warmth and humor, he offers practical tools for gay men to enhance their relationships and strengthen their connections. - -- Michael A. Vigorito, LMFT, CGP, CST-S, Co-author of Treating Out of Control Sexual Behavior – Rethinking Sex Addiction