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The Transradial Handbook

Evidence-based Practice

James Nolan (Univ. Hospital of North Midlands and Keele Univ.)



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CRC Press
15 January 2025
Access site techniques for invasive cardiology and interventional radiology procedures have undergone rapidly evolving technological advances, with radial access offering important benefits for patients and health-care systems. This book provides a concise practical guide to the practice of transradial procedures in both specialties. It is a readily accessible source of information that provides evidence-based guidelines from extensive global literature, interpreted and contextualised by experienced and recognised international opinion leaders. It provides an overview of relevant trial data, cannulation technique, catheter selection and manipulation, catheter delivery, right heart catheterisation, and complication management. It offers a comprehensive but portable reference to aid learning for cardiology and radiology professionals and trainees.

Key Features:

Fills a current gap in a growing transradial market with a contemporary approach Guides cardiology and radiology practitioners and other health-care professionals in optimal performance of transradial access procedures Draws from the experience of world experts, providing a ready reference pocketbook for easy access
Edited by:  
Imprint:   CRC Press
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 216mm,  Width: 138mm, 
Weight:   290g
ISBN:   9780367721411
ISBN 10:   0367721414
Pages:   146
Publication Date:  
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Professional and scholarly ,  Primary ,  Undergraduate
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

James Nolan, MBChB, MD, FRCP is Professor of Cardiology at Keele University in the UK. He trained in academic and interventional cardiology in London, Edinburgh, Leeds, and Amsterdam before taking up a National Health Service (NHS) consultant post at the University Hospital of North Midlands, where he established a large-scale programme of transradial cardiac procedures. His areas of clinical practice relate to complex coronary intervention and percutaneous treatment of structural heart disease. The transradial programme at UHNM established it as a globally recognised centre of excellence for access site practice. He was a council member of the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society, setting up the society’s international fellowship programme and its education and training group, and was a member of the national cardiology specialty advisory committee. He was actively involved in editorial roles with several journals and online educational forums and has made multiple contributions to international educational initiatives. He led an active programme of education and training in optimised access site practice, running an annual transradial masterclass, as well as an international centre of excellence programme. His research interests cover all aspects of cardiovascular disease with a particular focus on the impact of radial access on outcomes of cardiac interventions. He has contributed to over 220 highly cited peer-reviewed publications, international guidelines on optimised radial practice, and more than 20 cardiology textbooks. This body of academic and educational activity has had significant practice changing impact on vascular access site practice and led to two lifetime achievement awards from national and international societies.

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