Fabrice Blee was born in pernay, France. He is a full professor on the faculty of theology of Saint Paul University, Ottawa, where he teaches in the areas of interreligious dialogue and Christian spirituality. He is also the director of a series on Spiritualities in Dialogue (Mediaspaul); a member of the editorial board of Dilatato Corde, the online journal of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue; and an advisor to the board of directors of the North American commission of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue.
Here we have the first ever slow-motion replay of the humble ongoing movement of Christian monks, who-through their relentless struggle (never given up despite many setbacks) to establish and perpetuate an incessant conversation with their non-Christian counterparts in an atmosphere that alternates speech with silence-had proved to the post-Vatican II church that the new world that it dreamt of as our common future can begin to become a reality only when religious persons who have given up the world in order to take up its cause accept themselves as partners in a common mission rather than rivals in a conversion race. This is a facet of contemporary church history little known and scarcely mentioned.Aloysius Pieris, SJ Tulana Research Centre Gonawala-Kelaniya, Sri Lanka With a firm conviction that today being religious must be being interreligious, Fabrice Blee offers us a rich account of how monastic interreligious dialogue has made an indispensable contribution not only to Christian renewal but also to world peace through the sharing of religious experiences. The 'third desert,' of which Blee speaks so eloquently and masterfully, is the space of silence in which one listens to the other to discern both similarities and differences. It is the 'desert de l'alterite'-to quote the original title of the book-that is becoming the dwelling-place of Christianity in its third millennium. The English translation has faithfully rendered the clarity and elegance of the French original. A book that is to be read and pondered over by those interested in interreligious dialogue and spirituality.Dr. Peter C. Phan The Ignacio Ellacuria Chair of Catholic Social Thought Theology Department Georgetown University Wa