Co-creator of the popular '90s animated series Gargoyles, Greg Weisman produced The Spectacular Spider-Man on Kids' WB! He was a producer on Young Justice, and he served as executive producer on the first season of Star Wars- Rebels. In comics, Weisman has co-written Captain Atom with Cary Bates and contributed to Who's Who- The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe. Weisman's first novel, Rain of the Ghosts, was released in 2013, and its sequel, Spirits of Ash and Foam, the next year. Artist Humberto Ramos made his American comics debut in 1994 with DC's Impulse, featuring the Flash's brash grandson. In 1998, Ramos launched the creator-owned Crimson under Wildstorm's Cliffhanger imprint, illustrating the title for more than two years. He then moved to Marvel, becoming one of the most recognizable and innovative talents in comics. Seamlessly blending both Eastern and Western styles, the artist's artist has worked on many of Marvel's most iconic characters - including Spider-Man, Wolverine and the X-Men - in addition to a run on the fan-favorite Runaways. Ramos brought his kinetic artwork to the pages of Extraordinary X-Men and Champions, as well as a magical collaboration with Skottie Young on Strange Academy.