Sarah Alix has worked in education for nearly 20 years, with experience across a range of settings including schools and universities. She has a Doctorate in Education, a psychology degree, and post-graduate qualifications including the SENCo award and PGCert in Autism. Sarah currently works for the Sigma Trust in Essex leading the teacher training provision and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She has a great personal awareness and understanding of neurodiversity through her own family members.
“As a parent of three children with SEND, I would have loved to have a book like this when we began navigating our own journey of SEND support and EHCPs in school. The SEND Handbook for Parents and Carers is a really useful guide which helps to outline SEND systems and the support available in schools whilst explaining key terms used. With helpful ideas and tips, this book is a must-read for parents who are supporting a school-aged child with SEND.” – Tamsin Grimmer, Early Years Consultant and parent of three autistic girls “This book works through the rollercoaster ride that is SEND parenting in such a clear, simple way and is easy to read and return to at different stages of your parenting journey. It breaks down legislation, processes, systems, applications and timescales and is an invaluable resource to have at your fingertips. The points for professional discussion for parents to take to meetings with professionals are a game changer. The book is full of case studies that help parents recognise the link to their own situation, with great tips and reflection points for things parents may not yet have considered. Every parent of a child navigating the SEND pathway in education should have a copy of this book.” - Cheryl Warren, SEND Trainer and Consultant; Director, Aperion Training “This book is an invaluable resource to help parents navigate the SEND system. I wish I had had a copy when going for my child's Education, Health and Care Plan, EHCP; it could have saved us time and stress! I will definitely be recommending it to the parent members of my local Parent Carer Form, as well as the schools I work with to help them provide signposting to their parents” - Alice Hoyle, Wellbeing Education Consultant and mum of three