Leanne Hinton is Professor Emerita at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, and an advisory member of the board of the Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival. Leena Huss is Professor Emerita at Uppsala University, Sweden, and Professor II Emerita at The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø. Gerald Roche is an anthropologist, and is currently a DECRA research fellow at the University of Melbourne, Australia.
This impressive collection comprises chapters examining perspectives on language revitalization including its context, players, methods, technology, and relationship to documentation and other disciplines, and chapters on regional perspectives. Authors include learners, curriculum developers, language centre directors, linguists, and others. This is exactly the book needed today. It will be invaluable for all involved in language revitalization from research and practice perspectives. Thank you to the editors for their vision. - Keren Rice, University of Toronto, Canada