About ten years ago or so, my intercessory prayer team and I decided we would no longer ascribe to what society had to say about us. We decided instead to seek the consul of Heaven. Find out what God said was true about our lives and our futures'. We decided to write that truth down, and then declare it daily until it came to past. I have had the distinct privilege of watching, year after year, the declarations of the people of God come to past. Just by changing the words that came out of their mouths I've seen people move from bondage to freedom. I've watched people move from sickness to health. I've witness people move from homelessness to the type of employment that provided completely for their needs. I've seen death stayed and disease stopped in its tracks. So, what about you? Is it time to change your reality? Is it time to declare some new things over you and your family? Are you ready to make some laws for your life? If your answer is yes, then this little book you will show you how.